Friday, April 5, 2013

get important things done

completion of an unimportant task is not a success. prevent or punish it as the failure that it is.

there is a world of difference between staying busy and getting things done.

why is working on a task so much more comfortable than defining and prioritizing tasks?

when writing or presenting research: "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." the truth, only the important parts that guide the audience through the present narrative, and including simplifications that facilitate comprehension.

"you can waste a lot of time trying to do things quickly." i've seen this happen, but why does it happen? maybe because i try to build complex processes that will run very quickly once they finally start. but the facts on the ground change before my system is in place, and i can't adapt my process or the goal looses relevance and importance by the time i'm ready to use it. better to do something less efficient but starting sooner.

your home is not your head. remember to interact.

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