Monday, December 21, 2009

scipy india 2009

some interesting stuff to check out from the scipy conference in india. chandrashekhar kaushik is using cython to do sph simulations, apparently using python down to a fairly low level. senthil kumaran gave a talk explaining how the gil affects code speed. i will probably need to understand this at some point. chris burns talked about the fmri project, nipype. i'm curious to see if they have written some ica code in there. david cournapeau is coming out with a new package distribution system. might look at that as a possible alternative to distutils. akshay srivivasan showed how to use python with an avr microcontroller to make cheap and easy instrumentation. asokan pichai of fossee showed how they use open source software to make web video tutorials. travis oliphant very briefly alludes to ultrasound imaging as a scipy application area. i wonder if i can get more detail on that. stefan van der walt mentioned his github repository with scikit addons, with goodies like image processing and gpu algorithms for python.

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