Wednesday, March 13, 2013

city a.m.

city a.m. is _the_ free financial newspaper read by commuters to the city of london. it is also available free online, at . the full paper layout (with the exception of the market data page full of numbers) is available as a pdf, and each section of the paper has its own rss feed.

news, the-forum, the-capitalist (maybe), business-features, and wealth-management feeds are worth reading. the main feed has is probably also worth it for the news. and there are a lot of articles i can't find in the feeds, maybe because they are in the main feed and stuff falls off after just a couple of hours. but news has the first couple of pages from the print edition, and the-forum has the opinion page. a lot of the wealth management articles are missing from wealth-management, though it does have articles from the 'city dashboard' market report.

if and when i loose access to the financial times, this would make a nice replacement as a uk finance news source.

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