Thursday, January 6, 2011

parallel, numpy, shared memory,...

trying to figure out how to do parallel processing efficiently with python, and numpy in particular. i want something simple, closely related to the original serial code (sorry, mpi, you're not welcome here). parallelpython holds some promise, dodging the gil by starting separate interpreters and piping pickles back and forth. similar to pyro, and it looks pretty seemless between smp vs. cluster. unfortunately, pp does not provide for any shared mem so big data (even read only) must be copied (and pickled!) on smp. multiprocessing is now built in to 2.6 and backported as far as 2.4 or 2.3. doesn't handle remote processes, though the pp/pyro-type pickle server (manager) interfaces with inet ports. i think it basically forks the process to make the worker processes, so you get less overhead (os service vs. cranking up a new python). and there's no need to feed it modules or any other globals; these get copied on the fork. it has some capability to share memory, though i think these are only kinda raw ctype buffers. (i think all of this is similar to the approach posh used, though more generally for user-defined types -- high quality hackery but unmaintained since 2003.) apparently some people have coaxed numpy into using these ctype arrays to make np arrays sit in shared memory land, with views available to the children. (maybe using this sort of thing.) the approach got an attaboy from the big man himself, travis oliphant, but (in the same dir) sturla has a sharedmem module written later (cleaned up and posted here) that looks like it makes lower level sys calls to create shared memory space manually. does that mean the multiprocessing shm is unsatisfactory? the paper does warn that it's a moving target, and the scipy cookbook indicates the same thing: 'this page was obsolete as multiprocessing's internals have changed.' epd has a webinar coming up promising to demo multiprocessing with large arrays, so maybe i should see what they do. anyway, if i do use this for parallel stuff, this blog post might be useful. here's another page that looks very useful for multiprocessing. fabric looks interesting, too, though more geared toward sysadmin stuff. maybe similar to posh in some ways.

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