for svn+ssh:
on svn server: (make sure it's openssh)
ssh-keygen -t dsa -f newkey
append to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
on Hudson: upload newkey as private key file
select 'trigger builds remotely'
put this script into the svn server, in hooks/post-commit
# force a build on the Continuous Integration server
echo "calling url to build r$2 in $1" >> /tmp/svnBuild
/usr/bin/wget -O - http://hudsonserver:8080/job/JobName/build?token=tokenString&cause=SVN_commit > /dev/null
to do the build, i put everything into a bash script at the root of my svn repo. so in hudson, i put this into the 'execute shell' 'command':
(i also had to make a windows link from one directory to another at one point -- i didn't know how to do this before, but from cygwin you can use this:)
cmd.exe /c mklink /D testdata "c:\otherTestdata"
i also tried a few other things that i didn't end up using, mostly because their outputs didn't jive with hudson.
pylint -f parseable python > pylint.txt # i used pep8 instead
sloccount --wide --details python > # i used pynocle instead
under post-build actions,
'publish junit test result report' with **/nosetests.xml as the filename
'publish covertura coverage report' with **/coverage.xml
'publish html report' with directory 'complexity' and name metrics.html, directory pynocle and name index.html
'report violations' with **/clonedigger.xml for cpd and **/pep8.txt for pylint
the script is like this:
echo "PATH="
echo $PATH
echo "building extension"
cd python/module/extension
/cygdrive/c/Python27/python -c 'import __init__'
cd ../../
echo "starting doctest/coverage"
#cd python
which python
coverage run 'c:\Python27\Scripts\' --with-doctest --with-xunit --with-coverage --with-profile --profile-stats-file=nosetests.hotshot --verbose
coverage xml
mv coverage.xml coverage_nopath.xml
sed 's//
# put hotshot output into the html report dir, so it will get saved for each build
mv nosetests.hotshot ../complexity/
cd ..
echo "starting pep8"
pep8 --repeat python | perl -ple 's/:\d+: ([WE]\d+)/: [$1]/' > pep8.txt
echo "starting clonedigger"
clonedigger --cpd-output -o clonedigger.xml python
echo "starting pymetrics"
pymetrics `/usr/bin/find python -iname "*.py"` > $COMPLEXITY_DIR/complexity.txt
echo "starting pycabehtml" -i $COMPLEXITY_DIR/complexity.txt -o $COMPLEXITY_DIR/metrics.html -a $ACC -g $GRAPH
echo "starting pynocle"
cd python
cd ..
echo "build script finished"