Thursday, January 7, 2010

shopping cart on google app engine

article titles

rapid measurement of digital instantaneous frequency eq 31 multiscale fem revisiting the composite laminate problem with an adaptive multi-level computational model multiscale analysis of large scale nonlinear structures and materials adaptive hierarchical modeling of heterogeneous structures scaling vectors and multiwavelets in numerical differential equations-some approximation -theoretic and numerical issues finite element multiwavelets sampling--50 years after shannon obliqe and hierarchical multiwavelet bases an investigation of wavelet bases for grid-based multi-scale simulations validation and verification a modification of the sequential probability ratio test to reduce the sample size validation of structural dynamics models via hypothesis testing verification and validation of software used for modeling and simulation quantifying the uncertainty of computational predictions what are validation experiments? a framework for assessing confidence in computational predictions a novel statistical based approach to non-linear model updating using response features what monte carlo cannot do: introduction to imprecise probabilities for risk and reliability analyses verification refs recent contributions to verification and validation methodology isolating temporal-discretization errors for separate-verification analyses verification of finite volume computations on steady-state fluid flow and heat transfer quantitative v&v of cfd simulations and certification of cfd codes estimation of discretization errors using the method of nearby problems limitations of richardson extrapolation and some possible remedies information criteria a tutorial introduction to the minimum description length principle local versus global models for classification problems: fitting models where it matters a note on the unification of the aikake information criterion bayesian measures of model complexity and fit information theory primer: with an appendix on logarithms lempel-ziv and ctw entropy estimators for spike trains estimating entropy rates and information rates in spike trains (with confidence intervals) fe error bounds extensions of goal-oriented error estimation methods to simulations of highly-nonlinear response of shock-loaded elastomer-reinforced structures the computation of bounds for linear-functional outputs of weak solutions to the two-dimensional elasticity equations a posteriori error estimates for mixed finite element approximations of elliptic problems desk a python framework for verifying codes for numerical solutions of partial differential equations the fenics project a posteriori error estimator based on the second derivative of the displacement field fro two-dimensional elastic problems conservatism of the grid convergence index in finite volume computations on steady-state fluid flow and heat transfer scipy local optimization algorithm properties comprehensive approach to verification and validation of cfd simulations -- part 1:methodology and procedures verifacation of finite volume computations on steady-state fluid flow and heat transfer asme's quest to quantify numerical uncertainty a hacker's introduction to partial evaluation pgg: a sophisticated program specializer for full scheme compiling scientific code using partial evaluation bounded numericla error estimates for oscillatory convergene of simulation data optimal orthogonal-array-based latin hypercubes some useful results in the tangentially loaded hertizain contact problem a note on the hertz contact problem: a correlation of standard formulae some useful results in the classical hertz contact problem explicit equations for the stresses beneath a sliding spherical contact the stress field created by a circular sliding contact a first application of independent component analysis to extracting structure from stock returns intraday analysis of portfolios on the asx using ica exploratory analysis of financial time seris using independent component analysis a bootstrap evaluation of the effect of data splitting on financial time series component mode synthesis: a method for efficient dynamic simulation of complex technical systems vibration-based model-dependent damage (delamination) identification and health monitoring for composite structures -- a review an optimal control appraoch to a posteriori error estimation in finite element methods evaluation of the sedov-von neumann-taylor blast wave solution applications of an energy-momentum tensor in non-linear elastostatics the elastic energy-momentum tensor verification of finite voluem computationsn on steady =-state fluid flow and heat transfer verification of the direct eulerian 2-d rage hydrodynamics algortihm calculation verification for the euler equations of gasdynamics: pointwise estimation of solutions and thier convergence properties combined space and time convergence analysis of a compressible flow algorithm assessment of numerical uncertainty for the calculations of turbulent flow over a backward-facing step practical methods for a posteriori error estimation in enginerring applications estimation of modeling error in compuational mechanics error estimation and adaptive discretization methods in computational fluid dynamics a posteriori error control of finite element approximations for couulomb's frictional contact error bars for cfd code verification by the meshod of manufacturred solutions error estimation of eigenfrequencies for elasticity and shell problems a multigrid tutorial: part two -- briggs, henson, mccormick a compendium of fem integration rules for cas work variational crimes and the patch test nonlinear finite element methods (asen 5107) course material wavelet transform of empirical distributions on the role of code comparisons in verification and validation impact-induced delamination of composites: a 2d simulation description of the gaussian process model used in gem-sa dace: a matlab kriging toolbox efficient global optimization of expensive black-box functions exploration of metamodeling sampling criteria for constrained global optimization a taxonomy oooof global optimization methods based on response surfaces surrogate-based analysis and optimization kriging interpolation in simulation: a survey use of kriging models to approximate deterministic computer models statistical theory of the continuous double auction a leisurely look at the bootstrap, the jackknife, and cross-validation sequential bayes detection of trend changes consistent estimation of early and frequent change points convolution theorems for linear transforms the convolution theorem for the continuous wavelet transform surrogate-based analysis and optimization


here's a handy command to burn a backup dvd with cdrecord and dvd+rw-tools: growisofs -use-the-force-luke=dao -dvd-compat -J -R -l -f -Z /dev/dvd /home/user make sure to delete any links in dosdevices and wiindows/profile if you have .wine

the scientific method

inductive formulate hypothesis apply for grant perform experiments or gather data to test hypothesis alter data to fit hypothesis publish deductive formulate hypothesis apply for grant perform experiments or gather data to test hypothesis revise hypothesis to fit data backdate revised hypothesis publish

stay focused

the woods are lovely, dark and deep. but i have promises to keep, and lines to code before i sleep, and lines to code before i sleep. ginac

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

global temperatures

interesting article from technology review with a plot from jim hansen, a global warming honcho at nasa. shows co2, temperatures, and ocean levels for the last 400000 years.

ultrasonic transducers for nondestructive testing

by silk, 1984. many of the analytical approximate models seem dated, but the practical info on pzt transducers is probably still relevant.

introduction to inverse problems in imaging

by bertero and boccacci, this book is cited by many imaging papers and gives pretty good depth and breadth. the math gets right up to the point that i can't understand it anymore. might be worth having on the shelf.

an introduction to high frequency finance

nice 2001 book by dacorogna et al. shows a lot of the practical details that are very glossed over in academic papers and quickie whitepapers. some practical experience-type stuff, too. not sure if i ever really read past chapter 3, but skimming the rest shows some cool stuff.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

picloud and mrjob

picloud has gone a step further in making cloud computing effortless. just install and import their module and give it a function call to execute. give it several calls in a row for embarrassingly easy, embarrassingly parallel computing. the price is right, too, at 7-9 cents/hour + 10 cents per gb of bandwidth. i figure that burns up the cost of buying a machine for one year of solid run time. no maintenance costs/time and even the hassle of dealing with amazon's cloud (setting up the server, scheduling 1 hour blocks). apparently there is a test server to try code locally before running it on their machines, so maybe i'll try it out. only question i have is whether or not they will allow anything other than pure python; ie, cython, scipy.weave, etc. mrjob looks like a similar system. worth a look.

Monday, January 4, 2010


pymite is a project focused on compiling python-like code for the atmel line of avr microcontrollers. has some nice features, like the compactness (64kb code, 4 kb ram) and easy c/asm extension. still waiting for class, generator, and exception support and it looks like there's been no activity on the website for several months. i hope they keep going with it.
project has now morphed into python-on-a-chip. sounds like a southeast asian fast-food stand. i think the class, generator, etc. has been added and it's even more compact.